Frontier 4.1
Frontier 4.1


Script users, who can be less technical than script writers, will see simpler commands in these menus. Scripts can easily launch other applications and integrate their capabilities with the program and the Macintosh operating system. They can add commands that automate an application just as if it had an integrated scripting language. Menu sharing allows script writers to view an application as a customizable development platform. Menu sharing does not in any way alter the performance of an application's menu commands, it just adds new commands to its menu bar. Any changes to the menus are automatically visible as soon as the script writer switches back to the client application. Script writers can add commands to these menus using Frontier. Usually there's just a single menu called Scripts.

frontier 4.1

Menus sharing adds a set of standard Macintosh menus at the end of an application's menu bar. This method works for all menu-sharing client applications.įrontier 4.0 ships with sample menu bars for Eudora, Netscape, Microsoft Internet Explorer, the Finder and BBEdit and UserLand's BarChart, DocServer, MacBird, and uBASE. Once there, Frontier's outline editing commands work. MOSS is the creator identifier of the Netscape application. Menu sharing extends this capability so that script writers can add commands to the menu bars of compatible applications.įor example, to edit Netscape's shared menu, Cmd-J to. To edit Frontier's menus, choose the Menu Bar Editor command from Frontier's UserLand menu. When the user selects an item from the menu, Frontier runs the script that's linked into the menu item. One of Frontier's capabilities is that it gives script writers an easy way to edit the contents of its own menu bar. If you use a product that could benefit from menu sharing support, send an email to the developer respectfully asking them to take a look at this page. These are very important features for web developers. It makes it possible for Frontier to add the glossary database, macros, and other automatic features to the HTML building process. It's especially important that HTML editors support menu sharing as BBEdit does. Many people find that it takes a single build to get menu sharing into their apps. Look in the Menu Sharing Toolkit sub-folder of the Toolkits folder in Frontier SDK.


It comes with full C source code, documentation and a sample application.


The Menu Sharing Toolkit is provided is free and without royalty. Other applications can easily support menu sharing. This includes Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, BBEdit, Fetch, Anarchie, Eudora, StuffIt, Quark XPress, Metrowerks and Symantec development environments, and with the OSA Menu extension, the Macintosh system Finder.


It's supported by most major Mac applications that are scriptable.

frontier 4.1 frontier 4.1

Menu sharing builds on top of the System 7 Component Manager, which handles the connections between the applications. When the user selects a command, the client application sends a message back to the server indicating which item was selected. The menu sharing client displays the shared menus. The menu sharing server, Frontier, stores menus and allows script writers to edit them. There are two sides to a menu sharing connection: a server and a client. Menu sharing allows Frontier to send a set of menus to another application.

Frontier 4.1